Sunday, June 28, 2009


Everyone likes a good buzz, right? Well, when Dustin told me last week that he was going to buzz his hair I wasn't quite sure how it would turn out. He was just about to spend 12 days in a fireworks tent and he thought it would be cooler. I helped him cut his hair off in the bathroom and was pleasantly surprised at the end result. He says it feels weird when he runs and was very thankful for the lack of hair at a 90 degree day at a Royals vs. Cardinals game. He thinks its funny when we are about to go somewhere as he says, "let me go fix my hair...done". It makes me think of the way my hair gets all balled-up in a "rat's nest" after a long run. It seems like it takes forever to get all the tangles out! That gave me an idea. Dustin likes short hair so I asked him if I could buzz mine too. What an idea- no time consumed to wash and dry my hair, no forgetting pony tail holders when I need them, and no tangles. His reply was a resounding, "NO!" I guess I will let Sinead O'Conner keep her own style and I will keep my long hair :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Running and Golf

Over the past three years I have really come to love these two sports. However, three years ago I would have never dreamed that I would be content with running and golf instead of team sports. So why the change of heart? From a competitive standpoint I am still the same, I want to win. But with running and golf I don't have to rely on anyone else. I quickly learned through basketball, flag football, and softball that the commitment from others was not always there. Surprisingly, people do not show every week, do not find a replacement, and do not pay for league fees. In team sports you can improve individually, but it takes commitment from everyone to stay competitive and be successful. In running and golf the only person I have to blame is myself.

These thoughts come front and center due to two events that occurred yesterday, one in each sport. I went for a 7 mile run yesterday and completed it in just under 50 minutes or slightly over a 7:00 minute/mile pace. It has been a while since I ran this fast over that distance. Big deal? Maybe. Maybe not. I want to return to Boston, doing so will require qualifying again. Qualifying requires a 3:10 marathon or 7:15 minute/mile pace. Why not try to run a 3:00 marathon or 6:52 minute/mile pace? I also played golf with Aimee yesterday only to get abused by 14 strokes! Ouch. However, I set a goal to shoot under 110 (106 baby!). Now I will consistently try to shoot under 110 until I can consistently shoot under 100. No one to blame but me. ~Dustin

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I hurt!

I hurt. It's mainly my left side (neck, upper back, shoulder, hip, HAMSTRING, knee) and I can't really say that I am injured, yet. If you run frequently, you know what I mean. It's that feeling when your body is starting to tell you, back off! So, I think I am going to take a few days off because resting now is better than being forced to rest later if one of these "aches" turn into a full blown injury. It's uber-annoying! For one thing, I have been working hard at getting faster so of course I am scared of losing everything. It seems like you lose it all so quick! And, I really enjoy running. Oh well. I think I might be paying a visit to my chiropractor tomorrow...maybe he will straighten me out.
I really feel the worst on the day after I play softball. I don't really do a whole lot in the game, so I'm not quite sure why. All I know is that I have never had knee pains and right now I can't even cross my left leg over my right. Dustin says that I am just getting old. I think maybe I just need to rest and get a new pair of shoes or something (lol). There is no way I'm getting old! (sigh)

Really, I'm fine. Just a bit irritated. :(

(We said we would share the good with the bad!)

peace out, Aimee

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Andy's Run!

My favorite bootcamp workout is the Andy's run and it was Monday! The workout isn't the most intense of the year, but I will participate in anything with the word "Andy's" in it. I got the Straw-ana...and it was great! Everyone else either got the blackberry concrete or an orange freeze, both superb choices. Shout out to Rod - Andy's run might be your best idea ever!
P.S. If you don't know what Andy's is: First, crawl out from the rock that you are living under. Second, allow me to accompany you to see what Andy's is all about!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hometown Nostalgia

Over the weekend I was able to go home and visit the fam and friends. It happen to be Country Days weekend (yee haw!) which is an annual festival in F-town. On the Saturday of Country Days weekend there is an "Invest in yourself" 1 mile and 5 mile run, along with a 2 mile walk, that my dad has helped stage for years. I can remember when I was a kid running the 1 mile race. In the morning, mom would swing by the house to run the last mile of her morning run with me to help me train. I don't think I was really all that excited about it then, but I appreciate it now! I can picture my "race outfit" in my head now: hot green and checkered flag spandex with a hot pink Body Glove shirt. Whew, hot stuff (hey, it was the late 80's, early 90's)!
When I was in high school, I moved up to the 5 mile race. One year my friend Tracy Boyd (Taylor) ran it with me. Another year, I got sick on the side of the road around mile 2 from a bad breakfast. Dustin and I ran it together as an engaged couple and finished together (that was back in the stone ages when Dustin didn't kick my ass everytime we ran). Ahh, memories. I haven't ran the 5 mile race in 4 years, but it was so fun to revisit the same course and see many familiar faces. It's not the flattest course, but the countryside provides ample shade, fresh air, and the occasional angry cow. This year when I finished 2 of my friends were at the finish line from completing the 2 mile (great job Hilary and Jamie!), my dad drove by around mile 2 in a golf cart, and my mom was at the finish line snapping pictures like the paparazzi. I love Springfield, but it was good to be home! ~Aimee

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Smoothie Time

When we are training for a marathon and need to get longer runs in during the school week it really only leaves Aimee with 30 minutes to shower and get ready (45 minute commute and lots of hair to dry). So, often Dustin will mix up a smoothie that we can take with us so we can refuel on our way to work. Now during summer they are a fun after-run treat and refuel tool. This morning we found a recipe that we tweaked a bit and really enjoyed. If you like the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich then you will love this smoothie too!!! Caution: Even though it has many low sugar ingredients, this is not necessarily a low calorie smoothie. It is perfect for after a long run because it has a good amount of both carbs and proteins. Give it a try and leave us a comment about what you think!!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, I mean, Smoothie
1/2 cup of low sugar concord grape jelly (we used Smucker's, the recipe called for raspberry preserves)
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter (Aimee prefers all natural and Dustin prefers Jiff, but just grab whats in your cupboard)
1 cup sugar-free vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt
1/2 cup of skim milk
2/3 cup frozen mixed berries (we used strawberries)

Put everything in a blender and blend until smooth. (3 servings, but the two of us finished it off)


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

National Running Day

Today is national running day! Not quite sure what I am suppose to do different today than I normally would, but if there is going to be national talk like a pirate day (September 19) why not national running day?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cox Medical Mile

OMG! After much convincing from Dustin, I signed up to run the Cox Medical Mile race this past Saturday. I am NOT a sprinter so after much groaning, and assurance from others that there will be other "slow" runners competing (thanks for the encouragement Cathy!) I decided, why not???? It will be a good warm up for the 5K race that follows the 1 mile race. When the race began, I was feeling pretty good so I decided to run harder than I planned. 3/4 of a mile into the race I realized that my legs were feeling good and I was in 4th place! I sprinted the last bit and ended up taking 3rd (women's heat) with a 6:20 mile!!! Yes, a 6:20 mile...I was stoked! Granted, much of it was downhill, but I haven't ran that fast in a while. When the morning was over, I had taken 3rd overall and 1st in my age category for the mile and 2nd in my age category for the 5K. I'm not normally very proud of my running, but this day was so fun I just had to blog it! Yee haw!

Heat is On

The Missouri weather never fails to amaze me. Our last few days of highs in the 70's have quickly been replaced by the immediate arrival of a humid-filled, hot summer. The body however does not adapt so quickly, as Aimee and I soon found out.

The temperature was near 90 yesterday as Aimee and I got June off to a good start with a 6 mile run on the South Creek Trail. 4:00 pm may not be the most ideal time to run, but we wanted to add in the extra miles before attending bootcamp at the Fitness Center. Not in recent memory has this distance seemed so hard. I am thankful for the water fountain and the shade of the trees along the trail on days like today. I guess it will take some getting use to, but I know we will long for the warmer temperatures during the winter training months. After we put in a sweat drenched 10 miles for the day, the Papa John's pizza that followed was well deserved!

