Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Trot 2011

Washam's, Hurst's, and Coyan's

An odd number year can only mean one thing; time for our bi-annual running in the Springfield Park Board Turkey Trot. With our families being separated across the state, Aimee and I only run the Turkey Trot every other year, but can't wait for those odd numbered years to come around. Just to put it into perspective, Aimee views the Turkey Trot as more of a "social gathering" than a race (hence the make-up for this years race).

The Turkey Trot is one of, if not, the state's largest 5k race with an estimated 8,000 runners. What we enjoy more than the large crowd is the number of friends we can see all in one place doing something we both love. In addition, we love running in downtown Springfield, and through the campus of Missouri State. I once again missed a sub 18:00 5k, but was proud of my effort and look forward to using what I learned in trying again next time. Aimee took an easier pace this year running with several of her girlfriends, one of which is 6 months pregnant. I think she might have enjoyed this race just as much as any as they coasted along together.

Aimee, Teresa, and Rachel

Here is a rundown of who we met up with at the race this year: my childhood best friend and second time 5k-er DJ and Ashley Gilmore, Justin and Teresa Coyan, Chris and Rachel Hurst, Ashley Bartelsmeyer and Rob Montgomery (ok, did not technically see them, but they were there), 5 former students: Dylan, Dalton, Sydney, Will, Krysta (who is now a sophomore in college), Richard Johnson (OMRR and MSU Runner extraordinaire), Paul Maness (always right next to me throughout local races), Bekemeier's (over the phone), Flood's (day before) and the MC Ned Reynolds (well I could hear him).

Weekly Recap 50 Miles: Monday 5 easy; Tuesday 9 tempo; Wednesday off; Thursday Turkey Trot + 4; Friday 20 long; Saturday 4 easy; Sunday 5 easy. The long weeks and doubles are upon me, Houston 7 weeks away.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Worst Run Ever?

This past weekend was a long one for me. On Friday I left Farmington for Springfield so I could wake up early on Saturday and head to Lamar and officiate the Class 2 Semi-Final State Football Playoff game; total drive time 275 miles almost 5 hours. Before I left mom and dad's in Aurora, 6 mile easy run. Immediately after the game return trip to Farmington; arrive 8:45 pm. Next day long run scheduled with only one problem; forecast calls for wind, rain, and dropping temps.

Let me preface with "I HATE the Treadmill". There was no way I was running inside for 16 miles. Besides, I figured if I toughed it out in the rain, then I could handle anything on race day in Houston. Let me also state "I HATE the Weather Channel". Once again they are nowhere close to actual weather.

I start the run in light sprinkles which is immediately followed by downpour, strong winds, and rapidly decreasing temperatures. I thought I would combat the elements by running in St. Joe Park which only led to one more problem: hills. By mile 4 I am shivering and miserable and considering turning around and my Ipod earbuds are going out, but for some reason of pride I keep going. By mile 9 my legs are beginning to rub, chafe, and I can not keep the fuel belt in place. Funny thing about running in the rain; you really never think about anything else but how bad the run sucks, which only makes the run worse. When I finally return to the car 15 miles - 2 hours later, and 20 degrees colder, I can no longer feel my hands. This is really the least of my concerns, except I can't get my hands to turn the key to start the car.

I have never ranked "bad" runs because I guess I never really think a run is all that bad, or I just forget about it quickly. But, if I had to, this one has to rank up there with worst run of all time. To top it all off, we went to the Rams game that afternoon and I think I would have rather been back out in the rain.

Weekly Recap: Monday 5 easy; Tuesday 9 hill repeats; Wednesday 7 easy; Thursday 9 tempo; Friday off; Saturday 6 easy; Sunday 15 long. Total 51 miles.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Forest Park

Mom's cow had twins!

First, congratulations to all our friends who participated in the Bass Pro Marathon and Half Marathon this weekend; we are proud of all of you.

This weekend Aimee and I stayed in STL across 64/40 from Forest Park. Just like anytime we go anywhere, we got some runs in along the way. I had never ran at Forest Park before, but immediately saw why it is so popular. It never seemed that odd to me running on trails in the middle of Springfield, but running on trails, in the middle of: interstates, a zoo, golf courses, a forest, a college campus, million dollar homes, and...oh yeah in the middle of a city of roughly 2.8 million, that was an experience all its own.

Forest Park was awesome. The exterior loop around the park is almost 6 miles long with both a paved and gravel trail to run/bike on and countless interior loops throughout the park. The scenery is always changing (as you can read above), the elevation varies and you are never alone. In addition to Forest Park, you can venture ever so slightly off the path and run around the amazing campus of Washington University, or through the streets of upper-class Clayton and The Central West End.

Saturday morning, we ran the exterior loop of the park for an easy 7 miles including the distance between our hotel and the park. Sunday morning we ran in the Clayton PD 5k as part of the STL Track Club 1/2 Marathon, then returned to the hotel for a nice 9 mile cool down bike ride around Forest Park and Washington University. Despite the hilly course and constant headwind, I was able to run a decent 19:04 good enough for 3rd overall and first in my age category. I am hoping with flatter ground, I might be able to finally break 18:00 minutes at the Turkey Trot later this month. After both running and riding our bikes in the strong wind, we are trying to decide which is harder to do in the wind. At this point, I think toss up.

Recap of all the activities we were able to accomplish from Friday night to Sunday morning within a 5 mile radius of the hotel: Dinner in Central West End, Forest Park Run, Race Packet Pick Up, Wedding in Clayton, Lunch at Rigazzi's in The Hill, Zoo and Golf both at Forest Park, Schlafly Bottleworks, 5k in Clayton, Bike Forest Park and Washington University, Shopping at The Galleria.

Weekly Run Recap (44 miles): Monday 6 easy; Tuesday 8 easy; Wednesday 8 tempo; Thursday off; Friday 8 easy; Saturday 7 easy; Sunday 2 mile warm-up, 5k, 2 mile cool-down.

