Thursday, July 30, 2009

Running Quotes

Here are a few of my favorite running (specifically long-distance running) quotes. Most are funny because I love to laugh. I have heard many of them throughout the years or have had them on t-shirts. I pulled these from a recent blog on runnersworld that I read and decided to share!

"Balls - what runners have and other athletes play with."
"People ask me why I run...What would YOU do if a gun went off?"
"Truth is, you can always run farther. Sometimes the truth hurts."
"Yeah, I run like a girl. Try to keep up."
~I have this shirt :)
"Running won't kill you, you'll pass out first!"
"When the going gets tough, the sprinters quit!"
"Ah running...the only sport where the participants pay and the spectators get in for free!"
"My sport is your sports punishment"
~This was on my XC (cross country) shirt in high school
"Who fartlek'd?"
~This one cracked me up and I hadn't heard it before. If you are a nonrunner, a fartlek is a type of run used in training
"Yes I am: 1. Crazy 2. In pain 3. Paying for this"
"Fast girls have better times"
~racey! tee-hee-hee :)
"I am not dead, I only smell that way"
~if you have ever (a) used a port-a-john at a marathon race, (b) rode a shuttle bus to the start line of a marathon, (c) rode a shuttle bus from a finish line, (like a one hour trip down Pike's Peak after a 1/2 marathon run - I feel bad for you Dustin), or (d) simply been around long-distance runners after a long workout, you will have great appreciation for this one! Eau de Long-Distance Runner...gag!
"I am with the bomb squad. If you see me running you better catch up!"
"You know you are a runner if you know exactly where one mile from your front door is (in any direction)."
~Dustin and I could probably tell you 6 or more miles (with sidewalks)

and finally...
A few "You know you're a runner when...":
1) you could watch a whole marathon and not be bored.
2) you get up earlier to run on the weekends than you do for school/work.
3) you wake up thinking about today's run and go to sleep thinking about tomorrow's run.
4) you run up to a red light and think "Man, I wish I didn't have to stop!" instead of "Good, I wanted a break!"
5) you spend your free time reading nutrition labels and race results.
6) you are running a race, your calves are cramping, your knees are aching, and your lungs are burning but you still find yourself thinking, "This is fun!"

I hope you have enjoyed! Find some fun quotes today about one of your hobbies or something that you love. And, post them if you want to share!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Hunger to Run (not really, it's just a hunger for food)

We don't officially start training for our next marathon until August 10th but we are beginning to loosely follow a schedule. Nevertheless that means we are upping our mileage. The moment I run more, I get hungry more often. Literally I feel like my stomach is going to eat itself every time I'm a moment late for a mealtime. I want to eat bigger quantities too! It may be that my body is adjusting, but it may be just in my head. Who knows? All I know is that it is tougher to "watch what you eat" when you feel more hungry no matter what the reason is (shout out to all the girls on the week before their period!). And, the thought that you can eat whatever you want if you run is ludicrous! Many people actually GAIN weight training for a marathon (me included). Just because you burn a few extra calories does not mean that you can eat double the food at lunch or have an extra snicker's bar for a snack. Don't get me wrong, if you are looking to lose weight, running is a great way to speed up the process. BUT, you can't overlook the number of calories you take in just because you are running (or working out). Which goes back to my point that it is going to be difficult for a few weeks to resist extra food until my body adjusts to an extra 10 or so miles per week.
Anyway, I hear some ice cream calling my name....later

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Crampin My Style and Jamaica'n Me Crazy

Last night about 4am I woke up with my left cramping like crazy. Marlie came to the rescue as Dustin tried to get me to breath while he worked it out. I have not had a cramp like that since I was in undergrad. I guess I'm not going to run today again! My immediate thought is that I need potassium to combat the cramp so I would eat a banana asap. Then I realized that there was a banana in most of the frozen drinks that I had in Jamica: both the "Jamaican Smile" and the "Banana Boat" had a whole fresh banana in it. I must have eaten 2-4 bananas a day! Maybe I'm just dehydrated...Speaking of Jamaica...
We had a blast. The gym at Sandals is an outdoor gym so no air conditioning!!! Last time we went to Jamaica (Honeymoon) we worked out one time for about 5 minutes and decided it was too dang hot and that we liked it better by the beach. This time we actually enjoyed our morning run and workout. We were sweating like crazy (75-100 degrees) but we kept a bath towel handy so we didn't soak the treadmill :). Plus, we would see our new friends that we had met sometime at the resort. You might think, "why would they work out on their vacation?" For us working out isn't a chore. It's something fun that we do together. Plus, we didn't just run. Every morning and afternoon we played beach volleyball and we got involved in many of the activities on the resort like snorkling and dancing. I want to go back....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Washam 5k

The second annual Washam 5k Run & Post Party will be held Saturday, October the 3rd. This is a perfect tune-up run for the Sunshine Run which is the 2nd weekend in October.
The Washam 5k Run & Post Party began last year as a way for all our friends to get together, go on a no pressure run, and party afterward. You can be at any running/jogging/walking level. There is no clock and no one wins. It's just fun! friends~tee shirt~fun~food~beer~run what else could you ask for???
More details to come (sorry we have been so busy)...I just wanted to get the date out so YOU can start training! I even hope to have info on training schedules. For now just google "novice 5k training schedule" and see what you come up with!
Leave a comment if you ran last year or plan to participate this year!
I can't wait to see you there :)

running around Michigan

My parents took Dustin and I on a quick weekend golfing trip to Michigan the weekend of the 9th. If you have ever been on a vacation with the Engler's you know that it isn't for a little R & R. The awesome part is that you see EVERYTHING you can at your target destination. The bad part is that you come home needing a vacation from your vacation :). But, I wouldn't have it any other way. Friday we drove up and played a twilight round of golf in the South Haven area. (twilight is a later tee time, generally after 3pm, when you can get a discounted rate and sometimes unlimited golf). When we were kicked off the course at 9:30 from darkness, we walked around the mainstreet area for dinner. Thankfully the Mermaid was still serving at 10:15 (awesome food!). The next morning we were up early (yes, we set our alarm clock on vacation) for a morning jog. Shortly after we rented bikes and went on a 20 mile bike ride along a nice trail in the area. By noon we were on the beach (yes, the beaches are nice in Michigan...I would have never guessed!). In the afternoon, we played on Arnold Palmer's course The Ravines. It was a super nice course but the mosqitos ate us alive. As it got darker out shots became one handed because we couldn't stop swatting mosquitos long enough to hit! At the turn I asked if a blood transfusion came with the twilight rate :) ! Sunday morning we got up early to play at another beachside course. It was an older course with huge trees that made some of the shots quite difficult. On this course we spotted deer, turkey, and geese. Once we got back we said good bye to the Spruce Cutter Cottage B & B, hopped in the car and headed home. Whew! That was alot for three days! Welcome to the Engler vacation

**I will be more detailed later...I really wanted to blog

Monday, July 6, 2009

Le Penseur: The Thinker

This morning I went for a run and I got to thinking. I always enjoy a run with my husband or running with my ipod, but a run in silence is what I love. One of my favorite things about running is that it gives me time to think about all the things that are going on. I am normally so busy that I never allow myself time to think. While running I come up with plans, works out ideas and emotions, pray, process my day/week/month/year, and clear my head so I can focus, without bias, what I want out of life (and how to get it). Today, I was just going to go for a quick 3 mile run. When I snapped out of my thoughts I realized that I had past the turn around point so I decided to make it a 4 mile run. A bit after the 4 mile turn around point I had done the same thing and decided 5 wouldn't hurt me. I ended up running 6. I guess I have a lot to think about :)
On long runs with D, he is easily able to get in a zone where randomly he "snaps to" and realizes that he is running. He tries to get me to do that, but on long, tempo, or fast runs I can never seem to just let my thoughts wonder and I ALWAYS know that I am struggling, I mean, running. Very rarely am I able to get in that zone. But when I do, I appreciate the time to think and enjoy the run so much more.

