Friday, October 30, 2009

48 Hours Left!

Here come the nerves! Tapering is so hard on the mind! I feel like I haven't ran in forever. Most marathon runners fear the two taper weeks but I told myself not to worry about it. Now that the marathon is almost here and peak week was a few weeks ago, I hope I have trained hard enough. I have, I know I have. I think I can, I think I can...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Running in the Dark

This morning we had a 7 mile hill work out and ran it around Plainview road and the Rivercut area. Plainview was fine because it is along a busy road, lined with houses, and lit. I was scared, almost to tears, when we were running out by Rivercut. It was pitch dark so I couldn't see where I was going and I kept hearing noises. I would see bushes move as animals stirred, deer running in the fields, the weeds would brush by my legs and this would all freak me out! I was just waiting for a mountain lion to jump off the rocks and have me for an early morning snack. Plus I couldn't see the sidewalk where there could be dreaded wire rings that trip me (I still have flashbacks and nightmares). I was so tense it was ridiculous! Maybe I am a drama queen but we ended up cutting it short last hill of the Rivercut portion and added a bit to the end of the Plainview portion.
I do not see how people live out in the country. I am so scared to be in the woods in the dark. I feel much safer in my neighborhood (even though my neighbors "roll out" together in their pimped out SUVs and we have the occasional coked out hommie at our door). I just like all the lights and people around. That is comforting to me :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kickin Asphalt Takin Names

So we are officially two weeks away from the Bass Pro Marathon and we have begun "the taper". This is the time you take it easy, lower the mileage, and begin to worry you are not doing enough to complete a full marathon. Like most runners, I too struggle with this down time, so for our last long run (16 miles) on Sunday I decided I needed to run at pace to build my confidence. And run at pace I did, finishing the 16 miles in exactly 1:56:00 (Boston Pace)! Now, if I can only do this for 10 more miles. Man, after running 16 miles, 10 more always seems like so much more!

I am sure Aimee will blog about this, but she too ran her butt off. I am so proud of all the work she has put in and the improvements she has made in her running. A lot of times when people talk to Aimee and I about running they always ask me how running is going and not Aimee. After our next marathon, with the way Aimee is progressing, I doubt this will be the case.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

AHH...I'm scared! And not of Ghosts and Goblins

Tomorrow we are running a 22 mile long run around town. Basically, we are running the marathon course minus the area that is shut down right now because of construction at James River and 65 hwy (will be opened with a temporary trail for race day only). I know I can make it, but I am scared that I won't be able to finish in a good time. There is no reason for me to think that I wouldn't do well, but it will be more hilly than the last course when we ran 20 a few weeks ago and the hills really scare me. AHHHH!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Stella got her groove back

Ok, maybe not quite like Stella, but...
Wednesday I woke up excited about running again because we were running Yasso 800's. I think it really helps to do a "tempo", "hill", "speedwork" run instead of just 6,7,8 miles easy because it gets so boring! I never thought I would say that I liked speed work more than an easy long run but right now it distracts my mind.
Yasso 800's are "marathon predictors". Whatever time you run your 800 in, you turn it into hours and minutes to predict your marathon time (of course when the yasso's are used as part of a whole marathon training schedule). I don't know if it is true, but I would like to think that it is going to work for me. My easy marathon goal is 4:00, main goal is 3:40, and ultimate goal is 3:34. I ran all 8 yasso's in the 3:20's (range from 3:22-3:29). And, I really enjoyed it. I almost puked after the last one which made me happy that I ran them hard. Yikes, that sounded a little sick/morbid/weird.
So, thanks for your thoughts and prayers for my inspiration. Please keep them coming because we have a 10K race tomorrow, 22 mile run Sunday, and then of course the marathon.

Eau de New Shoe

New running shoes were just dropped off on our doorstep. It's like Christmas! Even though we ordered seperately and didn't really talk about when we were ordering them, they showed up at the same time (weird!). I am a big fan of the new running shoe smell!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The big week

This is a big week for our marathon training. We are less than one month away from the big day and we have our longest weekend run yet. Tuesday we run 7 miles, Wednesday we have Yasso 800's (8 x 800 meter sprints with 400 meter recovery jog), Thursday is rest, Friday is 8 miles of hills, Saturday is 6 miles (supposed to be "easy" but we may run the Sunshine 10K instead), and Sunday morning 22 miles.
Two weeks ago I was excited and pumped for this week. Today, I'm not so much. I think I'm getting burned out. The spark is starting to die out and it scares me. I REALLY need all the excitment I can get to get me through the marathon. When I hit mile 18 or 22 and I hurt and I just want to stop running, I will need that mental motivation to keep me going (and at the pace that I am able to, and deserve to keep). I hope I get it back. I guess 10 weeks of getting up between 4 and 5 am to run as hard as I can for 1-3 hours at a time just started to wear on me. And the mental stress of making times and getting prepared for the long runs is just as bad as the physical stress. And I'm getting tired of being hungry all the time and gaining weight while I am working so hard (btw, lost a bit of weight recently and now I am back to only gaining 6.5 pounds since training started). Hopefully I will get re-energized tomorrow morning when we get up to run! Man, sounds kinda depressing...I hope I didn't ruin anyone's day :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Washam 5K FUN!

The 2nd annual Washam 5K was a big success! Besides a few runners getting off course (sorry about that! just think of it as extra accomplishments) the race and post party went off without a hitch. Dustin and I feel so blessed to have such a great group of friends and family that are willing to take on the challenges of a 5K. It was such a great mix of people and we want you to know that we really appreciate you taking part in our 5K and for being a part of our lives. Thanks!

Some highlights:
More than one person commented on "that girl in orange" that was seriously fast. That's Cathy, our bootcamp instructor....she's freakin' awesome. I think I might start calling her Jimmy Johns cause she's freaky fast!

The weather ended up being perfect running weather and Amanda pointed out that it was nice to run as the sun was setting.
My parents commented on the fact that we have "a lot of fun friends"

Thanks to whoever was having the party with the loud live music that resonated all over the park. It provided entertainment and gave the run the feel of a "music marathon".

My dad ended up hanging out at the park with Max (feeding the ducks) and my camera so I was able to get more pictures this year than last year.

The sub sandwiches were a big hit and will be returning next year.
After the first turn of the race I looked back to see April eating a Kit Kat she pulled out of her hoodie and thought it was just hilarious! Only at the Washam 5K do you stock up on candy before heading to the start line. You need to stay nourished through the trip, right?

I loved the sea of blue...I'm glad you all seemed to like the shirts! We were really pleased. They almost seemed like a vintage tee that you pay big bucks for and wear with jeans :) The cool thing is that you actually participated in the event on the shirt.

Mom sure mixes a mean apple cider!

Both our moms ran the race - great job ladies! Way to show us how its done!
We had 24 runners/walkers complete the race this year! Last year we had 20.

Congrats to the 5K 1st timers! The Tylers, Joey, Ashley, Paige, Robyn, et. al. (let me know if the Washam 5k was your first race and I will add you to the list. We love our 1st timers!)

All in all it was a great time! I'm sorry some of you missed it because you were home sick (dang flu!) and we missed you!

See you next year for the 3rd annual Washam 5K!

