Saturday, December 31, 2011

Running while Preggo: 1st trimester

Hey all! It's been a while since I have posted! School really got intense this semester and I really feel guilty doing anything on the computer besides school. Dustin has done a great job keeping the blog up to date.

Dustin has been killing it! He has been logging record mileage which is means so much more when you are running around Farmington (uphill both ways, remember). He also has been tearing it up on the track. This week he finished his final mile repeat and hollered back at me, "4:52"! A PR in the mile for him!

While Dustin has been gearing up for a big race, running has slowed down for me. Not long after I found out I was pregnant it became difficult for me to breath while running. Actually, I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without having to stop to catch my breath. Dustin always thought it was very comical. Pre-pregnancy, my heart rate would stay between 135-155 during a long run, unless I was pushing a little harder, for example, on a tempo run. When I found out I was pregnant and started breathing like I had a fat suit on I began monitoring my HR. I would start out around 155. There isn't much research on running while pregnant, but most "literature" says not to go over 160. That made it difficult. I knew which hills on the golf course that I had to slow down on, but I still had to stop and walk at times (hole 9!!). It was uber frustrating because I had just completed training for the STL Rock N Roll 1/2M and was doing well running-wise. It was like hitting a wall, but I was thankful that I was still able to run.

About a month and a half into my pregnancy I started feeling the typical morning sickness. I had to take 2 weeks off of all physical activity. After that, I got back into running by starting out slow with a few miles at a time. I found that if I was able to get up early enough then I could get a run in without getting sick. And actually, on the days I went for a run I didn't get morning sickness like I did on the days when I slept in. I guess my body is so used to running from consistently doing it for 16 years that I was more comfortable starting my day with a run. Still, there were a few times when I was dry-heaving in a Walmart sack on my drive to a morning run with the girls.

Although my little critter has already competed in 2 half marathons amongst other races, when I consulted my physician about running she cautioned me about the distance. She mentioned that she has personally seen women go into early labor and have other complications after a long run. She suggested that I stick to 5 miles or less, which I have done. It is much more important to me to have a healthy baby than to get a long run in or compete in a race. This puts me in a tough spot in a few weeks as Dustin and I travel to Houston for races. When we put our name in the lottery, we didn't know that I would be pregnant. We were really excited to find that we got into the races, Dustin in the marathon and I in the half marathon, because it is the day after the Olympic trials. So we will get to see some of our favorite runners such as Kara Goucher and Ryan Hall compete the day before we run. As of right now I will be running the first 5 miles and walking the remainder. My goal is to finish before Dustin completes the marathon :) but I am going in with the thought that if it is too hot or I get too tired, then I will drop out or not run at all. I guess we will see what happens. I know that it will be SO difficult to walk in a race as runners pass me. And, I haven't trained for an 8 mile walk...I'm afraid I'll get bored! I will be sure to load up my ipod before I start!!

Anyways...I am now 15 weeks along and feeling great! It has gotten easier to breath, and I have been able to decrease my pace a bit. Dustin is VERY supportive and I feel VERY blessed to have him as my partner (in marriage and in running) and the dad of the arriving baby Washam (aka critter)!!! I will do my best to keep you updated on my struggles and successes of running while pregnant. I know there are many others out there, but not a whole lot of research and stories to compare. Hopefully you enjoy the updates :)
Happy New Year! Blessings to you in 2012!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Jog Strap

This week I ran in the STL Track Club Frostbite Series Race #2 (of 5), a 10 mile race in Forest Park. After finishing 8th in my age division last time I finished 7th this time, but overall I sit in 4th place! Coming up a week from Saturday is a 20k that I will use as my last "fast run" before Houston the following Sunday.

Also this week, I ran a very successful track/speed workout and afterwords tweeted about it to Bart Yasso of Runner's World. He tweeted back! Check out screen shot below.

On Christmas Day I ran my longest training run ever; 24 miles. Surprisingly, I did not have to worry about a lot of traffic. The weather cooperated for the first time in several weeks and I was very thankful for this gift that I have been given and was able to share on Jesus' birthday. 24 miles is a LONG training run, so I had to have Aimee drop a Gatorade bottle for me along the route so I could refill my bottle that I was carrying. The run went smooth and I feel confident headed into Houston 3 weeks away.

Weekly Recap 71 Miles: Monday Double 6 + 4; Tuesday Double 7 + 2; Wednesday 8 Hills; Thursday off; Friday 10 Speedwork (see tweet); Saturday Frostbite 10; Sunday 24 Long.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Best Week Ever?

Short post, but I posted lots of pictures and links for more detail.

Thursday 12-16: Went to a Blues game (see picture above).

Friday 12-17: Through Christmas cards, Aimee and I began telling everyone she is expecting in June (picture at top of post). See mom and dad's reaction below.

Also on Friday my students performed their Flash Mob at the school talent show. Check it out!

Saturday 12-18 and Sunday 12-19: Spent time with family and friends in Springfield before flying to Phoenix.

Monday 12-19 thru Wednesday 12-22: Phoenix! Running, Hiking, Golf, and way too much food!
Look at this menu and check out the "Cowboy Stuff". I did not eat again for almost 24 hours.

Thursday 12-23: Mizzou beats Illinois in the Bud Light Bragin' Rights Game (photo below), and Aimee and I made our first purchases at Destination Maternity.

Oh yeah, I also logged some miles; 53 total. Monday Double 6 and 4; Tuesday off; Wednesday 9 with 4 x 1 mile repeats; Thursday 8 easy; Friday off; Saturday 10 Tempo; Sunday 16 long.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Frostbite Series #1

This weekend was the beginning to the St. Louis Track Club's Frostbite Series; a 5 race series held in Forest Park every other Saturday through the beginning of February. Runners earn points based on finishing place within their age division. With my long runs on Sunday and these races on Saturday it's hard to justify running at full "race speed", but I did decide to combine the race with my long run. Here's how I broke it down:

Arrive in Forest Park early enough to log 10 easy miles before the races begins and pick up my bib and timing chip. Aimee dropped me off and headed to Starbucks to get some studying done (she has finals all next week). By the time I got going, and stopped by Starbucks for warmer gloves, I was able to get in 9 miles before the race. I ran from the park towards downtown STL through St. Louis University with the Arch in the background the whole way out. Ran the 12k race finishing 25th overall and 8th in my age division. Not bad considering my "slower" race pace and 10 mile warm up. My age division finish eared me 15 points and I only finished 46 seconds behind 5th place, which would have netted 30 points. I was very appreciative of the runner behind me who pushed me the last 1/2 mile and boosted my confidence as I both ran harder and did not let him pass me. Following the race I took off on an easy 6 mile cool down to round out a 22 mile long run and finished at Starbucks to meet Aimee.

Next up in the series is a Christmas Eve 10 miler. The following day I have my longest training run at 24 miles. We'll see if I decided to do the same format. Loved running in STL and Forest Park, looking forward to doing it several times over the next few months.

Weekly Recap; 64 miles: Monday Double 6 and 5 easy; Tuesday off; Wednesday 9 Speed Work; Thursday 6 easy; Friday 10 tempo; Saturday 22 long (with 12k); Sunday 6 easy.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Magic Juice

You are looking at a picture of what I like to call "The Magic Juice".

When I was playing basketball in high school I use to roll my ankle a lot; usually with a lot of bruising. I am sure we have all heard the term R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate). Not in this house! My mom was the master of magic juice. What is this magic juice you may be asking yourself? Well, it's as simple as taking Castor Oil (weirdly a laxative) applying it to the injured area, wrapping with cling wrap, then an ace bandage, and sleeping in it overnight. Boom! In the morning healed!

I have used this amazing healer for ankles after basketball, shoulders after baseball, and now foot and achilles while running. After a 10 mile tempo run on Friday morning my achilles was so sore and tight I could barely walk up the stairs, but insert magic juice on Saturday morning/afternoon and then again overnight......Pow! 21 miles on Sunday no problem! If you are ever in need, give it a try.

Thanks Mom!

Weekly Recap: 48 miles: Monday off; Tuesday Double 4 morning, 4 afternoon; Wednesday 800 repeats 9 total; Thursday off; Friday Double 10 tempo morning, 3 easy afternoon off with injury; Saturday off and rest with Magic Juice; Sunday 21 long.

Perfect Song for Today's Run

